

 Other than feeding the skin, there are some basic steps you will find necessary to maintain a healthy and

vibrant skin that when combined with proper feeding and exercise makes the skin healthier, more

vibrant and lively. These are cleansing, sloughing, refining, moisturizing, purifying and protection.


This is a very important facial procedure that removes bacteria, excess dirt and oils. Although there are

many over the counter cleansing agents, not all are appropriate for all skin types; one has to be very

careful when choosing the skin cleanser to use. The bottom line of skin cleansing is the removal of dead

skin cells that form a layer on the skin. It is advisable to cleanse the face at least thrice every week using

refined cleansing methods.


This is the removal of the accumulated dead skin cells on the face. The dead skin cells often cause

discoloration and damaging of the living cells but can be easily sloughed away using fruit ingredients.

The citric acid in the fruits will exfoliate the skin to expose the healthy alive skins for a better look.


Refining is done using toners. This is the removal of excessive oil in the skin to brighten the skin and

make it rosy. Sometimes refining works well in combination with moisturizing but this largely depends

on whether your skin type is dry or oily.


Moisturizing is dampening the skin. The most common moisturizing mistake that people make is to use

excessive moisturizer. If you have an oily face, it may not be necessary to use excessive moisturizer

because the skin will moisturize itself anyway.


Clay is one of the best cleansers because it leaches itself on impurities on the skin and those under the

skin surface and dries the oils that may be present on the skin as well. This will leave the skin healthier

and better looking.


Skin protection is important, the facial skin is particularly very vulnerable to most hazards and dangers

of the environment since it is always exposed. The sun’s rays are particularly very dangerous on the skin

and you have to put measures in place to protect yourself from its harmful effects. Wear protective

sunshield even when there is no direct sunlight to prolong the life of your skin.


When you meet someone at any time, the first place that will make an impression is not even in your

handshake – it is the look on the face. It is therefore safe to say that the face represents your overall

personality and since you only have one shot of making a first impression, why not wear a healthy,

beautiful looking face that will leave a positive impression of the rest of your body?

The double chins problem, chubby cheeks, crow leg lines, wrinkles and eye bags are facial features we

need not put up with the rest of our lives, you can have a new you by following a simple but effective

guide to restore the youthful and healthy you.

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