Yoga exercises can miraculously transform your face for the better. However, to keep these benefits it is
important to keep the face healthy and try to keep proper facial appearance that do not encourage
wrinkles, fine lines and other undesired features. This may not be very challenging but the aging factor
often comes in and disrupts it all. Facial aging has many effects on the look of the face including the
worst signs which are:
Wrinkles – When the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes flabby and causes wrinkles. This happens when
one subconsciously over the years clenches and grimaces the facial muscles while expressing their
feelings or emotions, in the process creating a mask of undesired features like eye bags, wrinkles and
fine lines among others.
Loss of skin tone – Collagen and elastin levels drop with age, the result is that the proteins that are
formed by a combination of these two elements will drop and since it is responsible for firming the skin
and forming resilience, these two are more likely to fly out the window too. The result is the loss of skin
tone, sagging and drooping.
Skin color – With time as a person ages, there will be accumulated dead skin cells on the body, poor
blood circulation, accumulation of toxins and debris. The result is that the skin will lose its color to
become grayish, ashy and dull. Sometimes this happens on different spots, forming the “aging spots”
Skin dryness – Caffeine, sugar, alcohol and salts dehydrate the skin over time, debris and toxins
accumulate and the skin cells will be deprived of oxygen. The result is that the face will puff up and bloat
as the skin becomes less defined and papery due to dehydration.
Facial Massage and Acupressure
Massage and acupressure has been around for ages and have been proven to be effective in toning the
facial muscles and keep it healthy and lively. Since there are nerve endings on the face, it is believed that
these are the energy end points that when properly acupressured can release excess stored energy to
relax the face and rejuvenate the skin and muscles as well as the nerves.
Warm up to the massage or acupressure by rolling the head side to side in half circles. Next are the
shoulders. Roll them up, back, down and front then reverse the direction of rolling. Do side-stretches on
the neck two to three times to loosen the tissues and stimulate blood nerves.
Facial massage is a perfect way to get back the supple, glowing and rosy complexion on the face. Pure
regular oil or moisturizing cream can be used although essential oils containing floral extracts and herbs
will still do. You can rub a small amount of oil in your palms at a time then start at the center of the face
to work the skin and muscles using your fingertips. Work from the center outwards in circles making
sure to work the chins, nose, cheeks, between the nose and the mouth as well as the forehead andtemples. Feel the facial contours as you do this then complete the massage by tapping the oil on the
face to be absorbed as treatment.
Vital Facial Rejuvenation and Massage Techniques
1. Get rid of the brow and the forehead wrinkles
Rub your temples and forehead using your knuckles, starting at the center of the forehead and
radiating it out to the temples. This process will get rid of wrinkles over time as well as relieving
stress and headaches.
2. Prevent wrinkles and smooth out facial lines
The area between the nose and the eyes is a great acupressure point that is helpful in relieving
sinus conditions. You can smooth out the facial wrinkles and fine lines by pressing the index
finger on this area and the thumb on the inner side of the eyebrows.
3. Fighting eye bags and eye area discoloration
You will need to rub outer point of the nostrils to rid the facial toxins that often cause eye bags
and eye discoloration. To detoxify the skin and oxygenate it, press the index finger on the apple
of the cheeks.
4. Loosen up tension on the face
Brushing off exercise will relax the facial muscles and release tension. Place the fingertips at the
center of the forehead then sweep horizontally outwards, repeating this five times. Brush
downwards from the eye sockets too, lightly running the fingers down the cheeks.
5. How to improve skin color
Use your thumb and index finger to pull the middle earlobes to the side repetitively five times.
Grab the lower ear lobes and pull them five times as well then do the same for the upper ear
lobes. This is ancient Indian yoga techniques enhances circulation on the face to restore color.
Feeding the Face
One of the biggest problems people face when it comes to proper health care is what to eat, when to
eat and how much to eat. As far as facial care is concerned, what you eat directly determines how
healthy you will be. Proper diet is the key to proper health, it will determine how fast your skin will age,
production of new cells to replace older cells, blood circulation on the skin, toxins removal and generally
the look and feel of the skin. Here are a few tips to guide you to eat well and feed the face to make it
healthier and young.
1. Give full attention to your meals
Eating should be a gradual process that is not hurried, it should be an independent activity and
not a by the way thing. Chew food properly in silence and be sure to notice all the texture,
aroma, colors and aromas of the food. Concentrate on your meals and avoid any distractions
that may make you swallow improperly chewed food or tempt you to go for fast foods next
2. Eat well to your full
Be careful not to over eat but eat well. Your body knows what it needs and how much of it is
required and you have to supply it. As long as you are eating healthy, you will know that eating
and keeping healthy is a balancing act that you have to do it yourself.
3. Do not eat if you are not hungry
Do not eat just because there is food, you will train the body to demand more and more. Eat a
balanced diet and try to stay away from regular snacks that are rich in carbohydrates, fats and
other unhealthy food preservatives and coloring. If you have to grab a bite once in a while, go
for a fruit or something with fiber because they are healthier than processed foods.
4. Your food should be whole
To minimize the chances of overeating and regular temptations to grab a snack, eat whole meals
rich in fiber because they take longer to be processed, make you full faster and best of all
contain only good ingredients for your skin and body in general.
5. Take lots of water throughout the day
Water should not be reserved only for meal times, practice drinking water throughout the day
to assist in digestion and to detoxify the body. A healthier skin should be properly hydrated at all
times and the best way to do this is to ingest as much water as you can through drinking.