

 Everything you have learned so far in this report will help give your face a more youthful and

bright appearance. Of course, all of this work is useless if your flawless face is concealed by

extra layers of fat and poor muscle quality. In this society, a face must also be lean and tone to

be considered attractive. To finally achieve your flawless face, you must also lose the extra fat

and weak muscles concealing your true potential.

Fat makes your face appear puffy and distorts the way the skin should naturally lay. It

stretches out the skin and causes irregular bagging and discoloring. It makes skin more

prone to acne and other skin problems. Facial fat also increases water retention in your fat,

making chubby cheeks appear more bloated and full. Essentially, extra fat in your face adds

years to your appearance and masks the brightness it should have.

It has been said that body fat can act like an additional entity in your body, affecting your

overall health and changing the shape of your body. It can be very difficult to lose body fat.

Unfortunately, even after losing body fat many people are still left with lingering facial fat

because they gain fat in their face first but lose it there last.

Think about how many people you have seen who have fantastically fit bodies, but they

still have facial fat. It throws off their appearance. No matter how youthful their body looks

and feels, they still seem haggard and unhealthy. Facial fat has to be eliminated and muscle

tone increased to take their appearance to the next level.

A Nutrient Rich Diet You already know that you have to eat right to look good. To eliminate facial fat, you must increase your efforts to eat right. This does not mean you need to starve yourself, it just means you should optimize your food to include the most nourishment. Eating a nourishing diet is not complicated; it is based on making smart choices. If you are already

focusing on fitness in your life, then you are probably already avoiding fast foods, sugary drinks, and starchy foods. This is a great step in the right direction.

Some people go over board and often choose fat-free and sugar-free foods believing they

are making the right choice. However, this common mistake can actually increase your

facial fat instead of decrease it. Sugar-free foods are often artificially sweetened. Did you

know that artificial sweeteners are made from the same chemical compounds as household

cleaners such as bleach? Obviously you would not want to consume bleach because of

the dangerous side effects, but you should not expect any different result when you eat

artificially sweetened food.

Fat-free foods often have a disproportionate amount of sugar to make the product more

appetizing. Additionally, they are filled with chemical fillers to keep the same consistency as

the normal version. These chemicals slow down your metabolism, causing you to gain weight.

Furthermore, fat-free fillers also strip your body of chromium which is an essential nutrient

for building muscle and breaking down excess fat.

Instead of these unhealthy alternatives, you should choose naturally healthy foods. Certain

foods can specifically enhance the youthfulness and fitness of your face. For example, you

already know that chromium is essential to weight loss and muscle gain, but did you know

whole grains and broccoli are an excellent source of chromium? This is only the beginning;

there are literally thousands of foods rich in the nutrients you need to have a stronger,

leaner face and more vibrant skin.

More Exercise = More Tone and Less Fat

If you are in good shape, but still have lingering facial fat then you are going to have to kick your exercise regiment up a notch. Unfortunately, the fact is that simply exercising your face will not guarantee you will lose facial fat. You cannot direct fat burning to a specific portion of your body. You

must exercise enough to keep the fat off of your entire body. The more you exercise the less facial fat you will have.

However, not being able to direct fat burning to your face does not mean you should stop

your exercises at your shoulders. Exercising your facial muscles to increase tone gives you

a lean look that matches your lean body. It makes the cheek bones and chin become more

defined. Tone facial muscles accentuate your best features, without having to artificially achieve those qualities with chemicals of makeup.

When you have more muscle definition in your face, it changes how you are perceived. It

provides the appearance of strength and power. These attributes are socially associated with 

beauty and success.

Ask your grandmother, she will probably tell you about a “chin firming” secret that her

grandmother taught her. They knew beauty did not only include healthy skin and a nice

smile, it meant having a lean, muscular face. You have to exercise your face.

If you are dubious about the effectiveness of facial exercises, try this simple test. Hold your

breath and puff out your cheeks, as if you were a famous trumpet player squeezing out a

high note. Hold the facial position for 60 seconds.

When you release the position, were your facial muscles clearly fatigued and ready for rest?

If you answered yes, this means those muscles were out of shape. Now, imagine how your

face would look if those weak muscles were stronger.

Performing facial exercises has three benefits. Of course, you build muscles in your face to

achieve the tone you want. However, the increased activity in your face will proportionately

increase the blood flow to your face. Fresh, oxygenated blood will give your skin a youthful

blush and luminescent appearance. If you have any discoloring in your skin, exercise will

help flush away those old skin cells. It will nourish skin as it grown healthy, new cells.

Also, muscle uses fat as fuel. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.

Although you cannot direct fat burning to your face, any body part that has greater muscle

tone will help the overall body, including the face, stay fat free.

Getting Facially Fit

Eliminating fat and improving muscle tone are the final steps to getting a flawless

appearance of youth and vibrancy. However, normal dieting and the age-old “chin firming”

secrets are not enough to get the best results. You need to become facially fit.

The models, actors, and fitness stars you see with naturally strong, youthful faces did not

achieve those results by chance. They used intensive techniques to eradicate facial fat and

build up facial muscle. While they may have had professional coaching, this does not mean

you cannot achieve the same fantastic results.

You can get those same professional results using the Face Fitness Formula program. This

30-Day program can help you finally eradicate your chubby cheeks and build facial muscle.

Essentially, the program can turn a mediocre face into a tone, sexy one.

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